File: elevon50.txt Description: Uses 2 servos to move 2 control surfaces on the trailing edge of a wing. Mixing is performed such that the transmitter elevator channel moves both servos in opposite directions and the aileron channel moves both servos in the same direction. Mixing from both channels is set to 50% so the servo positions are never saturated. Setup: Connect the receiver elevator channel to the SM2 channel 1 cable. Connect the receiver aileron channel to the SM2 channel 2 cable. Plug both servos into the SM2 output connectors. Channel reversing might need to be used depending on how your transmitter and servo linkages are set up. Desert RC Standard Mixer Control Panel Version V1.0 SCALE_NEUTRAL CHECKED CH1_REVERSE_INPUT UNCHECKED CH2_REVERSE_INPUT UNCHECKED CH1_REVERSE_OUTPUT UNCHECKED CH2_REVERSE_OUTPUT UNCHECKED CH1_TO_CH2_GAIN UNCHECKED CH2_TO_CH1_GAIN CHECKED CH1_SERVO_RATE_MAX_CHANGE 0.00043000 Seconds CH2_SERVO_RATE_MAX_CHANGE 0.00043000 Seconds MINUMUM_INPUT_PW 0.00107000 Seconds MAXIMUM_INPUT_PW 0.00193000 Seconds CH1_NEUTRAL_OFFSET_PW 0.00000000 Seconds CH2_NEUTRAL_OFFSET_PW 0.00000000 Seconds CH1_LOW_ENDPOINT_PW 0.00107000 Seconds CH2_LOW_ENDPOINT_PW 0.00107000 Seconds CH1_HIGH_ENDPOINT_PW 0.00193000 Seconds CH2_HIGH_ENDPOINT_PW 0.00193000 Seconds CH1_DEFAULT_POSITION_PW 0.00150000 Seconds CH2_DEFAULT_POSITION_PW 0.00150000 Seconds CH1_OUTPUT_FREQ 50Hz CH2_OUTPUT_FREQ 50Hz MIX_SECONDARY_1TO2 50% MIX_PRIMARY_1TO2 50% MIX_SECONDARY_2TO1 -50% MIX_PRIMARY_2TO1 50% SELECT_GAIN_MIXING_MODE 0